How to do a Forward Crossover

Don't jump ahead to crossovers because you will develop some bad habits that will stop you from learning the higher-level stuff.
Forward crossovers are in Basic 4. You should be working on things in Basic 1 or 2 right now. That will help you move up to Basic 2, and then you can work on Basic 2 and 3 elements. See the progression? It will make your lesson time more productive and really refine your skating skills needed so that learning an advanced skill at the proper time will be much easier.
Forward crossovers are a great example - many skaters can do a one-foot glide on a flat - meaning, no edges. That's nice, but to do forward crossovers, they first have to master proper stroking, have excellent balance, hold their shoulders and hips correctly, and be able to hoooold the one-foot edges on a curve.
Work on these things before Basic 4 and forward crossovers:
. One foot glides
. Stroking with proper pushoffs (inside edge of blade, not the toepick)
. Forward 1/2 swizzle pumps - on the line or on a circle
. Forward one-foot glides, curving with a circle on both the outside and inside edges of each foot.
The skaters that haven't mastered those skills stand out at the rink when they do crossovers because they can't get their free foot all the way across, they move in a straight line instead of a curve, they trip or drop their foot down due to poor balance, and they basically look like horses stomping around. Not what you want to look like at the rink.
You don't want to fake these elements - you should be able to master them and look like a skater, not a horse. Don't rush trying to teach yourself - just practice the things you've learned and you'll be a wonderful skater, not a faker.
It's really important to make the most of your lesson and practice time by building these "foundation" elements before you learn the higher-level things, so take your time.
How to do a Backward Crossover on Ice Skates
See more on Monkeysee:
The Forward Crossover of Hockey Powerskating
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