Stops in Ice Skating: Begginer exerceses and types

How to do a T-Stop on Ice Skates

A T-stop is an ice skating stop where the feet make a "T" on the ice. The skater should place the middle of one skate behind the heel of the other skate. The foot that is behind does the stopping and scrapes the ice as the blade is pushed to the back outside edge while the forward skate glides. The stop is completed when the skater comes to a complete stop with his or her feet in a "T" position.

Examples: It is very difficult to do a good t-stop. Beginning skaters tend to drag the foot behind on an inside edge (which is incorrect) when first trying the t-stop. The back blade must be on an outside edge for the t-stop to be done correctly.

You can learn how to make the ice hockey side stop. Side stops is a side motion stop; not a snowplow stop. You need a strong knee bend to generate that scraping, stopping motion

Start: Brash - Bend - Twist

Snowplow Stop

Basics Stopping Techniques

How to Hockey Stop

The Hockey Power Stop

See also:

The Hockey Power Stop


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